
5 Marketing Tips To Help Sell Your Property Faster

5 Marketing Tips To Help Sell Your Property Faster

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Selling a property is never as simple as calling a realtor and putting it up for listing. In today’s competitive real estate market, you’ll need to go a little further, if you want to make a good sale. This is where good marketing comes in. Market your property correctly and you will see much faster results. A consistent strategy not only helps you find a buyer, it can also allow you to raise the price, if you can get enough people interested. Good marketing also benefits the realtor, as it attracts other clients after seeing their work with you. This win-win strategy to marketing makes it beneficial to all parties so there’s every reason to dive right into it.

Here are five marketing tips that can help you sell a property faster.

  1. Professional Listing Photos. For many buyers, their first contact with your house will be from the listing photos. The quality of these photos will determine, whether they pick up the phone or move on to the next one. Improve your chances by only uploading high-quality photos, that show the property in the best possible light. If you can afford it, hire a professional photographer to do a full photo shoot of the property. You can also go a step further and include floor plans or a rendering, if you’ll be posting the listing in a newspaper or a flyer. These additional touches will grab more people attention and allow them to assess your property right from the start.
  1. Create A Property Website. You can increase your chances of finding buyers, by creating a property website. Posting on a property listing site is better than nothing, but every time someone posts a new listing, it pushes your one further down where it doesn’t get seen. Instead, point people to your own website where your property is showcased. The great advantage of this is that, you can add more details and information such as the history of the property, changes over the years and a lot more photos than you could on a listing site. It also looks far more professional, which will influence how buyers look at your property.
  1. Print Marketing. In today’s world, it’s easy to think that all you need for marketing is online adverts and content. That’s not the case. Print media still plays an important role in advertising and if you fail to go with it, you could be missing out on a huge number of buyers. Print media usually consists of newspaper ads, flyers, colorful brochures etc. These can be distributed around your neighborhood to raise awareness of the sale. You can also use these to advertise an open house. Placing these in community areas, increases the likelihood that more people will show up and lead to a price increase.
  1. Social Media Marketing. Print marketing is important but social media marketing is currently the king in getting information out. Realtors use social media not just to market a property but also to network with clients and other realtors. Along with having a very long reach, social media marketing is also very cost effective. It doesn’t cost a lot to post an advert on Facebook. It’s also a great way to connect with buyers and answer any questions they might have.
  1. Staging. One final thing that can’t be overlooked in property marketing is home staging. Once you’ve been running your marketing campaign for a while and gotten a few bites, you can do an open house to entice more prospective buyers. Having your home properly staged for this is crucial, as it will depersonalize your home to make it easier for buyers to imagine living there. It’s well worth hiring a professional stager for this, as they’ll understand the market and what most buyers are looking for.

Without a marketing plan or strategy, you could be waiting a long time before you find any interested buyers. This kind of campaign has to be planned well and followed consistently, if it has to be successful. Your realtor can aid you in building the right strategy and also, connecting you with the right people for marketing such as photographers, home stagers etc. A well thought out strategy combined with patience, can yield amazing results.

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